Diane Higgins Design

Sustain female leadership- website launch

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Loved working on this website project for Sustain Female Leadership
with these two lovely ladies Ingrid Seim from Avenues Coaching and Angela Smiddy from Insightful Works. 

Both of these women are experts in the leadership coaching field. Their new program is based around a holistic approach to leadership and it sounds amazing.

I worked with Ingrid before and have always been impressed by her organisation skills and her open friendly way of doing business, but now having also worked with Angela, I can see why they are the perfect partnership for the project with a great dynamic between them both and it’s always a pleasure for me to work with Network Cork members.

Check out the website at sustainfemaleleadership.com for more information on their upcoming program.

If you like what you see and want your own website design, click over to my website design section and read all about my process, or get in touch and we can have a chat.