Purple cows aren’t that rare at all
Purple cows aren’t that rare at all This is a professional platform so I am not going to spam you all with photographs of my wonderful daughter and her bravery for this year’s craniosynostosis awareness month. Instead I am going to share how having a daughter with a rare disease has changed my view of […]
The Big Bang of Design, Democracy and Emojis
I have come to think of the invention of the internet as the ‘Digital Big Bang’ (I thought I coined this phrase, but there’s a book of the same name by Phil Quade[i] so I am going to call it ‘DBB’). The DBB exploded many traditional professions, with a ‘survival of the fittest’ culture forcing industries […]
‘Good Design’ or Design for ‘Good’ in a Global Crisis?
‘Good Design’ or Design for ‘Good’ in a Global Crisis? Over the past few weeks, my social media feeds have exploded. In a time where many are working from home, creativity and productivity seem to be up. Community spirit is at an all time high. Our Taoiseach Leo Varadkar’s St Patrick’s Day address to the […]
DIY Graphic Design for start-ups that doesn’t look like your 5 year old did it
OK, so you’re starting your business. You are now the CEO, Marketing Manager, Financial Director and Head of Operations, but all you actually wanted to do was do the thing you are really good at and love as a business. You have a small child who pops in to your ‘office’ every now and again […]